Accessibility goals
Staff education about child management and community development techniques
Reoccurring professional inclusivity training for staff
Staff recruitment and hiring of persons with exceptional needs
Outdoor School Information Night for families
Meetings with teachers and student support teams prior to program to identify modifications and accommodations for students as needed
Communicate modifications and accommodations for students with on-site educational staff
Implement IEP and 504 strategies identified for each student
Creating an online Outdoor School Information Night
Facilitating pre-ODS inclusion meetings with each school district
Collaborating with families so they are aware of available accommodations
Support districts as they make placement decisions, modifications and accommodations for IEP and 504 plans
Invite district personnel to observe our program & site and advise us on additional tools or strategies we can implement
Create a list of individuals who can contract with Tamarack to help provide accommodations when school district cannot
SNEED program
Working with Empowering Access to develop an accessibility evaluation
Communicate modifications and accommodations for students with on-site educational staff
Outreach materials that communicate that participants with exceptional needs are valued
Create Field Study plan, Recreation plan and training for staff to create modifications and accommodations throughout programming
Sensory room available
Building ramps to access camper and staff campers and shower facilities
Building ADA accessible pathways throughout cabin areas and trails
Designing ADA accessbile cabins

Camp Tamarack operates under the policies of the Oregon Department of Education. Please refer to their website for additional information regarding the following policies.
Camp Tamarack is committed to creating a learning and growth environment conducive to the overall development and social-emotional health and well-being of students. Gender diverse students often experience discrimination, harassment and implicit bias at school and in their lives. These experiences can send students the message that they do not belong. At Camp Tamarack, we make it clear: ALL students belong and are welcome.
At Camp Tamarack we support a student’s right to self-identify autonomously as outlined by the Oregon Department of Education. During their time at Camp Tamarack students retain the right to use facilities corresponding with their gender identity as expressed or to have access to a private or single-use facility. Camp Tamarack has private, single-use bathrooms, changing, and showering facilities available for any students desiring increased privacy regardless of identity, expression, or background. Students that identify as a male will be placed in male cabins, students that identify as female will be placed in female cabins. Students that do not identify within the gender binary will be placed with male or female cabins according to their friend group or as assigned by their school counselor or guardian.
Students are not required to disclose to Camp Tamarack their gender identity. Camp Tamarack will only know a student’s gender identity if the students or the student’s guardian provides that information. If a student or guardian chooses to share that information with Camp Tamarack, it is Camp Tamarack’s responsibility to keep that information confidential.
Camp Tamarack is committed to creating a safe and welcoming learning environment for all students. All Camp Tamarack staff have received training to support gender diverse youth. This training is designed to promote inclusion for our staff. The training can not address every situation that may arise, but staff has been trained to be aware of best practices to address any situation and to actively create an inclusive environment.
Camp Tamarack works to honor Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 which states "No otherwise qualified individual with a disability in the United States . . . shall, solely by reason of their disability, be excluded from the participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance . . . ." In order to honor Section 504 and to continue in a commitment to making Camp Tamarack a safe and nurturing learning space for ALL Camp Tamarack will work with any student and their educational team to provide the appropriate support to make Camp Tamarack an equitable learning space. Camp Tamarack will continue to work to improve accessibility to our site to ensure students of all abilities can be successful.
Camp Tamarack staff is committed to working with school teachers, administrative staff and program participants to ensure that our program remains a safe space free of physically, emotionally, verbally or otherwise harmful actions which are considered a hindrance to the well-being of the community at Camp Tamarack. Our staff and volunteers have been trained to create safe communities at Camp Tamarack and are practiced in deescalating interpersonal conflict. In our commitment to making Camp Tamarack a safe and inclusive learning and growing space for all students, Camp Tamarack’s bullying policy is in compliance with ORS 163.190. “Harassment, intimidation or bullying” means any act that substantially interferes with a student’s educational benefits, opportunities or performance, that takes place on or immediately adjacent to school grounds, at any school-sponsored activity, on school-provided transportation, at any official school bus stop, may be based on, but not limited to, the protected class status of a person or that has the effect of:
a. Physically harming a student or damaging a student’s property;
b. Knowingly placing a student in reasonable fear of physical harm to the student or damage to the student’s property;
c. Creating a hostile educational environment, including interfering with the psychological well being of a student.
In an effort to continue creating a community at Camp Tamarack that supports the learning, exploration, and growth of all students, Camp Tamarack will work with students who speak a language other than English. While Camp Tamarack cannot guarantee that instruction or curriculum will be available in all languages, the staff and leadership at Camp Tamarack are dedicated to working with students,’ teachers and school districts to provide translation and language support while engaging lessons at Camp Tamarack.

Frequently asked questions
Does Camp Tamarack train their staff to support gender diverse students?
Yes, Camp Tamarack staff and volunteers are trained with best practices on inclusion and continually undergo training to best support ALL students. Camp Tamarack staff have been trained to specifically support gender diverse, transgender, and gender nonconforming students during their time at camp. In each situation, Camp Tamarack staff refer to best practices with the intent of creating a safe and nurturing learning environment for all students.
If my child is gender nonconforming or transgender what bathroom will they use?
At Camp Tamarack we support a student’s right to self-identify autonomously. During their time at Camp Tamarack students retain the right to use facilities corresponding with their gender identity as expressed or to have access to a private or single-use facility. Camp Tamarack has private, single-use bathrooms, changing, and showering facilities available for any students desiring increased privacy regardless of identity, expression, or background.
Is it possible my child will be placed in a cabin with a gender nonconforming or transgender student?
Yes. At Camp Tamarack we respect the gender identity asserted by the student. Students that identify as a male will be placed in male cabins. Students that identify as female will be placed in female cabins. Students that do not identify within the gender binary will be placed with male or female cabins according to their friend group or as assigned by their school counselor or guardian.
Will Camp Tamarack share confidential information about a student’s gender identity?
No. Students are not required to tell Camp Tamarack their gender identity or transgender status. Even if a student shares their gender identity or transgender status with Camp Tamarack, Camp Tamarack is not allowed to divulge this information in order to honor student privacy and state law.